Well first I should announce my new flash game that might be coming in the next month or so called Pop. It's sorta like the mario levels where the levels scroll, and you've got to get by everything quickly. We're still looking for a sponsor and everything but I'll include a screenshot at the bottom of the post.
The bigger news is that Sushiboy, my iPhone game, will be available tomorrow afternoon in the new Mac App Store for $1.99 for those of you's with Macs. If enough people get it in the first week or so we've got a pretty good shot at getting in the top 50, maybe even the top 10.
Also, I've got a new iPhone game coming up, but there's isn't a lot to tell yet.
Good luck with that; I know the app market is getting ever more saturated so to have a succesful game is getting increasingly harder. I've no idea what the desktop Mac app store is like though. Best of luck with it anywho.
Luckily only a fraction of what comes through is that great, so indie developers still have a shot at some success.